What is a company director's service address?
Until Oct 2009, the residential addresses of company directors and company secretaries were publicly available at Companies House.
Since then Directors have had the choice of providing a 'service address' if they want to prevent their residential address from being in the public domain.
Directors still need to give a residential address to Companies House when they are appointed but it is now kept confidential with no right of access to the public.
Want to protect your own residential address as a company director?
Use 78 York Street, London, W1H 1DP in the heart of London's Marylebone within the City of Westminster as your service address and keep your own address private. It also looks prestigious at the same time!
Simply choose our 'Prestige & Privacy' package or if you already have a limited company but would still like to use our prestigious address as your director's service address then please just get in touch.